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Result of the sixth world

Gábor Auth's picture

The sixth world has been ended today, the results of the world is:

Number of units:
1. mit: 300
2. jeff: 224
3. ManoDa: 216
4. panman: 129
5. AuthKiller: 129
6. Hank: 112
7. lucky dog: 111
8. Franko: 93
9. Beor: 84
10. Forgo: 83

Number of cities:
1. ManoDa: 113
2. mit: 76
3. jeff: 75
4. AuthKiller: 40
5. Epimaxos: 25
6. Forgo: 23
7. Franko: 23
8. BlurSpeed: 22
9. lucky dog: 21
10. Hank:19

Number of moves:
1. jeff: 3572
2. lucky dog: 2958
3. AuthKiller: 2910
4. ManoDa: 1920
5. Franko: 1778
6. Beor: 1590
7. mit: 1381
8. panman: 1276
9. Kubik632: 1165
10. beezle: 796

Value of attack points:
1. AuthKiller: 1056246
2. jeff: 898263
3. Franko :864139
4. lucky dog: 834636
5. Beor: 476987 410987
7. Hank: 365000
8. Forgo: 324214
9. Kubik632: 322112
10. Huitzilopochtli: 306005

Value of defense points:
1. lucky dog: 649900
2. Octon: 376086
3. Franko: 293600
4. BlurSpeed: 287360
5. Kubik632: 261080
6. Player: 238436
7. Rainos: 223454
8. Cookie: 200613
9. AuthKiller: 153430
10. Huitzilopochtli: 145353

It was a great game! We've started a new world now! :)